Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The real degree

I awoke Monday morning from an unsettling dream;  I had returned to Mary Washington as a 38 year old senior.  I was surrounded by bright young things who were enrolling in exciting classes.  I had a bum leg and was dragging it through chattering masses of 18 year olds.

I believe the bum leg was the depression I suffered through college.  I never fully experienced the collegiate lifestyle; I am a Classics major who can't read roman numerals.  I drifted through my college days, hazily, as if a bystander in my own life.

Now, I am left to wonder what I could have achieved if I had been able to fully wake up during those 5 years.  I don't regret my station; I simply wonder what else I could be capable of if I had the skills I should have gleaned during those formative years.  Would I be a better mother?  Wife?  Would I be moonlighting as an investor?  Would I actually be able to be published?  I torture myself.

I feared college.  It represented change and I had just finally grown accustomed to who I was in high school.  My parents divorce had left me under the impression that unless you were in a relationship, you were a failure.  I desperately clung to my high school boyfriend, unwittingly drowning us both.  I applied and was accepted to a school near my hometown.  I was unconcerned with its curriculum; I only cared about its geographical distance to my boyfriend, a rising high school senior.  I traveled home every weekend.  Teary phone calls, punctuated by promises and pleas, marked my weekdays.  By second semester, when I knew where my boyfriend would be going to college, I had formulated a plan to follow him.  My grades, remarkably, were quite good so I applied to and was accepted to Miami University of Ohio, a scant 5 hours and half a state away from Josh.

Miami, though still considered a small school, was 10 times the size of Randolph-Macon Woman's College.  I was overwhelmed.  And terrified by the opportunities that suddenly stretched before me.  I was delighted when I mastered my Architecture 101 class and dismayed by the distance which yawned between me and Josh.  I met other people, other boys and the hint of knowledge that perhaps Josh and I weren't really meant for each other sent me running back to him and our doomed relationship.  Miraculously, I again excelled academically.

After a summer back home, with Josh, I returned to Miami with a leaden heart.  I barely made six weeks back.  I dropped out and booked a flight home, shipping everything I owned.  I called a friend who was enrolled in the local university, Washington & Lee, and asked if she could find me lodging.  She had friends who had an extra room.  I formulated a new plan, emboldened by my home turf.  I would transfer to W&L, break up with Josh, and find out who I really was.  However, this plan was thwarted by more poor academic showing as a transitional student at W&L.  Further, I couldn't extricate myself completely from my relationship with Josh.  Missing of course, was the therapy and medication I really needed.  Instead, I chose to try to heal myself, believing that a good relationship would save me.  I spent that summer trying to convince Josh that we belonged together, all the while knowing that I didn't believe my own argument.

Somehow, I was accepted to Mary Washington College.  I managed to lick my wounds and pack myself up for yet another collegiate endeavor.  Josh and I remained on tremulous ground.  I thought that living off campus and with the new acquirement of a car, I could manage this go round.  I carved a precarious perch for myself at MWC.  I wanted to embrace the school but I did not have the history that my classmates had.  I had missed the bonding in freshman halls and the joy of returning to campus sophomore year.  Yet I found a niche.  And therapy.  Still, I was not diagnosed as bi-polar, only as depressed.  However, it was a start.

My relationship with Josh quietly dissolved, with the occasional spark of renewed interest flaring up.  I made friendships at Mary Washington and declared a major.  I settled into a mostly easy routine, but there were warning signs.  I became obsessed with the gym and also with wooing Josh back into the relationship.  I studied hard but partied harder.  And when summer approached, I left therapy and my medication altogether.

I spent my summer before senior year, ricocheting between summer school in Fredericksburg, and trying to salvage a relationship with Josh in Lexington.  I managed one but not the other; Josh and drifted away from one another but remained loosely connected for years.  I entered my senior year on solid academic footing.

Unfortunately, I was not medicated.  I focused on the failed relationship and my mental status crumbled.  I terrified my three roommates.  Finally, as I had no lower to fall, I called upon my mother and told her that I had only way out and that I needed her to help me prevent my own death.  I found therapy again, and went back on medication and stayed on it long enough to graduate.  But my degree didn't reflect the only true accomplishment I had made in college - staying alive.

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