Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The right equipment

Am I ill equipped to handle my son because of my illness or do I have a special knowledge which will help me?

The roasted chicken pervaded the atmosphere.  Teddy and Tim sat at the round kitchen table bickering over math problems.  The more Tim pressed for an answer the more Teddy resisted... everything, direction, help, patience.  He erupted.  Inconsolable, he wept and wailed and demanded more of our attention.  His sister sat drawing pictures in the background.

Teddy tends to suck all of the oxygen out of the room.  His demands are frequent and are very rarely met to his standards.  Annelise quietly coexists.  She is second born and therefore relegated to castoffs and seconds.  Yet, her easy demeanor accepts this position.  How much attention can I pay my daughter if my son demands my utmost?

I want to love my children unconditionally.  I want to treat them equally.  And I am torn.  I find my days devoted to corralling Teddy and his moods and secretly coveting more time with Annelise.  

There is nothing written on being a bi-polar parent.  Nothing useful, handy, directive.  I am left to wonder if my challenges stem from the disease or if my child is truly difficult, or worse, bi-polar.  

1 comment:

Woman, Wife, Mom, Daughter and Friend said...

When my oldest was young... toddler young... I needed help... her moods where too difficult. There was a book that was awesome for me. Have you heard of "Raising the Spirited Child"?

The library has it. I highly reccommend it. As you know, there are people/children who experience their environment much more deeply than most of us and that affects their behaviour.