Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11

I am sitting at my study window watching droplets of rain run down the screen.  The clouds are low in the sky and the day feels heavy.  I am blinking back tears as I sit to compose.  I guess not many people would begrudge a little sorrow and reflection on this day.

The day was crystalline in Austin eight years ago.  I was lying in bed watching the sunlight filter through the crepe myrtles next to my window.  It was after nine AM central time when my phone wouldn't stop ringing.  I was twisted in the sheets my husband had left warm just a little over an hour before and reluctant to begin my day, irritated that it was punctuated by the incessant ringing of the phone.  I picked up after the fifth call.  Tim sounded excitable and I tried to gather myself to pay attention.  He told me to turn on the TV; that the World Trade Center had been hit by a plane and that the general belief was that it was not an accident.  

I turned on the television and called Gran.  We watched together, 500 miles apart, as the towers groaned to the ground.  I wept as I thought of the servers at Windows on the World, who had amused us on our last trip to NYC.  And then the reports that the Pentagon had been hit began to trickle into the newsfeed.  My heart seized as I thought of of all of our friends and family back in DC.

As many have, I have thought endlessly of those who lost their lives or their loved ones on that day.  I know people who were directly affected.  This day always gives me pause.

I think it is fitting today... the rain, the low sky, the darkness during day.  I think we tend to speak a little softer on days like today.  Afterall, it will never be again a day for crystalline skies.


Woman, Wife, Mom, Daughter and Friend said...

It is a tough day... Your blog is spot on... we all know what we were doing that day. I have been unable to form words for my FB "status". I am interestedly reading others and praying for those who morn and all of our soldiers who continue to fight for our freedoms.

Keeping up with the Freitas' said...

Fannie - it was also a crystalline day in Arlington as well. I remember the clear blue skies punctuated by the cool fall breeze. I worked from home that day and watched everything on tv. It's a day that I always hug Bruno a little bit longer when we say goodbye in the morning. Thanks for your descriptive post.